Garage Door Remote FAQs

Garage Door Remote FAQs

  • Over 15 Years of Industry Experience
  • Residential & Commercial Options
  • Wide Service Area
02 4283 4216

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Can I Replace My Garage Door Remote? 

Yes, you can, and we are only a phone call away to assist with replacing your garage door remote. We help with both suppling and replacing your garage door remote. Get in touch with the team today!

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Can You Add A Remote To An Existing Garage Door Opener? 

Yes, you can add a remote to an existing garage door opener. The number of remotes that can be paired with a garage door opener can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, but often you can have up to four remotes paired to a single door. Increasingly people are using remotes with smart capabilities to offer even more flexibility and control.

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How Do I Know What Garage Door Remote Is Compatible? 

This can be tricky. On the whole, your garage door manufacturer should be able to advise you. You should be able to find the manufacturer and model number on the external receiver, but if not, our team will be happy to help. We’re part of the Australian Garage Door Association, so you know you’re in competent, knowledgeable hands. 

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Why Can't I Program My Garage Door Remote? 

If you cannot reprogram your garage door remote it could be that there are other issues as well as just pairing the remote with the receiver unit. Before you contact your garage door specialist, check the following

  • Do the batteries need replacing? It’s a no brainer, but easily overlooked
  • Is the antenna dusty or damaged? 
  • Is the signal out of range? Most remotes will struggle beyond a range of about 20 feet. 
  • Is the lock button on the control panel set to on? Another seemingly simple fix, but one that’s easy to forget. 

If you’ve checked all these and still struggle to program your garage door remote it may be time to call in the professionals at LT Doors. 

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How Do I Program A Second Garage Door Opener Remote?

You can program a second garage door remote in the same way as you program the first.
The first step is to buy the correct type of remote. You can do this by finding out the name and model number, which is usually somewhere on the external receiver unit. 
When you have the correct remote, just follow these simple steps.

  • Find the “learn” button. Press it firmly
  • Within 30 seconds hold the button on your remote for at least three seconds, or until the light flashes on your door opener. 
  • You should now be able to open or close your garage door

If you find this process doesn’t work, please contact LT Doors, your local garage door specialist, and we can assist you further.

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